You know me — I love community! Being a part of the BI community has changed my life and it can change your too for the better if you choose the right community, and understand how to use it to your advantage. Listen and learn.
Today’s guest is Allen Hillery, editor of Nightingale, a data visualization society journal. Allen describes why community is important and what you can do to give and take within the community. Recently, he interviewed me and wrote a very popular article on Medium titled, “Mico Yuk on the Importance of Community and the Paradigm Shift in Business Intelligence.”
The next BI Data Storytelling Mastery Accelerator 3-Day Live workshop is live! Many BI teams are still struggling to deliver consistent, high-engaging analytics their users love. At the end of three days, you’ll leave with a clear BI delivery action plan. Register today!
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I still can’t believe what transpired at the recent BI Data Storytelling (BIDS) Accelerator Workshop—simply because we made the exception of letting in a VIP after enrollment had closed. Why? The VIP desperately expressed his need to learn and implement our BI methodology/framework. He was determined to get it done, and the results he shares are amazing.
Today’s guest is Ankush D’Souza, Director of BI at Estée Lauder Companies who is going to show you how to deliver your BI Strategy 'Gorilla' style. Ankush describes the four pillars he uses to create a successful BI Strategy, why not having a budget can be a benefit and tactics and tools to focus on.
The next BI Data Storytelling Mastery Accelerator 3-Day Live workshop will be held soon. Many BI teams are still struggling to deliver consistent, high-engaging analytics their users love. At the end of three days, you’ll leave with a clear BI delivery action plan. Register today!
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